Seldom Random is a creative hub located in the Kansas City area consisting of one woman, a tortoise and … no, not a hare… a dog. We focus on furniture rehabbing, ranging from painting, glazing and staining to full upholstery services. Well, the human does, while the others work in a more of a supervisory capacity.

The human and the zoo have also moved into their first home a few years ago. Currently, they are tenaciously working on creating sophisticated, but cozy and fun design on a budget. Naturally, this means a lot of estate sales, online auctions, a whole lot of elbow grease and possibly even more sense of humor.

We look for treasures that still have a lot of life left in them, but need a little help to be brought into the modern times. Sometimes, we find these on the side of the road or tucked in a back corner of a garage during an estate sale, completely overlooked. We take these “underdog” pieces and make them shine again!

But wait… There’s more! We like to dabble in photography and watercolor, and anything that keeps the embers of our creativity fanned.